Ecology tendencies in packaging parcels.

1. People's approach to ecology has often changed over the years.
The disruption caused by the pandemic prompted specialists to reexamine this topic. In April 2021, the Mobile Institute conducted a survey among internet users. The overall results were not very optimistic.
Interest in ecology before the pandemic was quite low, and during it, it dropped to less than 30%. This is partly understandable, as new problems emerged that no one had faced before. People focused on COVID-19, the crisis, and implementing savings. Other topics automatically took a back seat. On the plus side, it was observed that people reduced consumption, limited travel, and industrial production. On the other hand, generating excessive amounts of medical waste and the unexpected return to single-use plastic packaging became a significant burden on the environment.
Amid these upheavals, a positive pro-ecological trend emerged with the increased interest in e-commerce. Peoples flocked to online shopping, but at the same time, they began to pay more attention to the practices used by sellers when preparing parcels for shipment.

2. A few questions to...
To gain a deeper understanding of this topic, I asked a few questions to an expert in the e-commerce industry.
Joanna Prugar – Eco-friendly, what does that mean exactly? What do you think we understand by this statement?
Daniel Stachowiak, CEO of effepack – The first thought that may come to mind equates eco-friendly actions with environmental protection. I can’t fully agree with that. Eco-friendly behaviors, regardless of the industry, mean harmonizing with nature without over-exploiting its resources. This means understanding the fundamental workings of the entire ecosystem and trying not to interfere with it, but rather adapting our behavior to it. It is a long-term process and requires a comprehensive increase in ecological awareness, but it is worth all the work put into it.
J.P. – What is ecological awareness?
D.S. – In short, ecological awareness is about responsibility. Human activities must take into account the current state of the environment and what they leave behind for future generations. The foundation of such actions is solid knowledge, respect for nature, adherence to conservation principles, and prevention of environmental threats. Awareness in this field allows us to assess the impact of industry and agriculture on the entire ecosystem and on humanity itself. Being aware of these risks enables us to prevent them, which is much easier than repairing damage after the fact.
J.P. – Can eco-friendly actions be considered a temporary trend or long-term changes?
D.S. – Consumer awareness regarding ecology has significantly increased. “Eco” is trendy, so many people follow guidelines, segregate waste, check what they buy, and consider the environmental impact of specific items and their production methods. From kindergarten onward, children are taught how to implement eco-friendly behaviors and manage their surroundings sensibly. Developing these habits from a young age will help sustain these changes in the long run, and eventually, such behaviors will become second nature. Therefore, I believe we are currently seeing prospects for long-term changes.
J.P. – Eco-friendly packaging – what to pay attention to and what to avoid?
D.S. – In the process of packaging parcels, packaging is of major importance in terms of environmental solutions. It is advisable to reduce the use of film in favour of other materials that can be easily recycled, such as wrapping paper or eco-friendly fillers. Many companies already use biodegradable and easily recyclable packaging. Eco-friendly solutions are simple and easy to implement, you just need to explore the topic and find the right supplier.
The space in the parcel should be tailored to its contents. Avoid using an excessively large shipping carton and filling it with packing material. Die-cut boxes are best as they will almost perfectly conform to the contents.
Once the shipment is ready, there’s no need to include printed documentation. Paper leaflets and additional gadgets usually end up in the trash anyway. Invoices, receipts, promotional materials, or return forms can be sent directly to the customer’s email address.
Speaking of returns – a good trend is striving to minimize them. Properly securing the shipment ensures its safe delivery, as damaged packages often end up being returned to the sender. Another aspect that can lead customers to return items is inaccurate descriptions or photos that do not accurately represent the actual appearance of the products. It’s worth taking care of this by providing accurate descriptions, including all dimensions.
Another solution I would like to recommend is working on specialized packing tables. Research and analysis have clearly shown us that well-designed packing stations can reduce the use of packing materials by up to 20%.
J.P. – What challenges might arise here, and how can they be overcome?
D.S. – The warehouse handling shipping does not produce packing materials itself – it needs to order them. It’s important to note that delays in delivery can occur. Not long ago, we had a situation caused by the pandemic when there were shortages of paper on the market. Therefore, being proactive and stockpiling supplies is advisable because delays and downtime are the worst things that can happen in e-commerce. This is perhaps the biggest challenge that can arise.
J.P. – Modern technology – does it help or harm?
D.S. – It all depends on its utilization. The weakest link here is undoubtedly the human factor and how they use the given technology. With a responsible person at the helm, everything proceeds quickly and efficiently. On the other hand, if an indifferent person is involved, the choice of technology becomes irrelevant. Therefore, it’s not possible to definitively determine the effects of any particular technology. It must be tested in practice.
J.P. – Thank you for your statements and interesting insights!
D.S. – Thank you.

3. Conclusions.
There are many opportunities that influence packaging methodology and make this process more environmentally friendly. From choosing the right packaging, securing the shipment, to delivering it to the recipient, each stage offers opportunities to make changes, adapt, and execute with a focus on ecology and caring for our planet. It is up to us to decide which solutions we implement and what impact our operations will have on the environment.
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