Warehouse robots as part of logistics processes.
The basis for the automation of logistics processes in the warehouse and their efficient running is both the use of modern technology and appropriately trained staff. As a result of rigidly established rules, correct supervision of the warehouse and efficient control of ordered operations is possible.
1. What exactly is warehouse logistics automation?
In short, it is the integration of software and the necessary hardware. It allows processes within the warehouse to be carried out with limited human involvement, only under human supervision. A certain degree of automation has already existed for many years, of which we are often not even aware. This includes the most common form of identifying goods in the warehouse, which involves scanning barcodes.
Full automation is a completely different topic. We speak of it when all operations are controlled using a dedicated system, from receipt of goods, to picking, dispatching and waste disposal.
Going deeper, the topic of automation is closely linked to the use of appropriate machines and robots. This is particularly evident in conjunction with the development of machine learning and the emergence of more advanced artificial intelligence. Machines themselves are able to analyse data and make further decisions based on it. Considering the work of the warehouse, this significantly speeds up its operation, eliminates mistakes and makes it easier to manage the flow of processes.
2. In warehouse work, we can distinguish between several types of specialised robots.
– AGVs, i.e. Automatically Operated Vehicles. They are used to transport goods in a warehouse without the need for a control operator. They have various sensors, cameras and scanners that allow them to orient themselves in their surroundings. They move using magnetic strips located on the warehouse floor. However, each time the planned route is disturbed, they require a restart and an indication of the planned journey. They can be integrated into a WMS.
– AMR, meaning Autonomous Mobile Robots. They are more automated than AGVs. They move according to a pre-designed route. Through built-in sensors, they can take in information from their surroundings, and by analysing it using artificial intelligence, they are able to optimise their passage, avoiding people and obstacles.
They are divided into:
- inventory robots. They monitor inventories and verify the placement of goods on shelves. They work with RFID readers, allowing data to be updated immediately.
- goods-carrying robots. They transport items from the storage area to the workstations. They reduce the excessive walking of workers on the warehouse floor, and analyses show that they have halved the time taken to complete tasks.
- self-propelled foklift trucks. They handle the transport of goods over long distances. Their system works so precisely that they can move safely around workers.
- drones. They transport goods and assist with inventory management.
– Collaborative robots – so-called Cobots.
They are designed to work with people and, in cooperation with them, can carry out the most precise work. They are also used for jobs that require more strength.
– Delivery Robots.
Designed and used to deliver orders to customers. They operate on routes of 2-3 km. In addition to warehouses, the first ones are used in Warsaw and handle last mile deliveries (mainly in the catering industry). They are not autonomous vehicles and must have an operator. For this reason, they are colloquially referred to as drones on wheels.
– Exoskeletons.
They are most simply described as shells that can be made of artificial materials and are attached to the user’s body, and their use enhances the muscles’ capabilities.
They are being introduced more and more in warehouses, where their main task is to support people in manual work and work that requires increased strength. Due to their high price and continuous improvement – they are not yet in widespread use.
There are many discussions indicating that it would be better to use robots. However, it must be acknowledged that we are not at such a technological stage that AI can do better in creative thinking than a human operating an exoskeleton. Another problem could also be possible hacking attacks that do not relate to typically human work.
All the possibilities offered by the above warehouse robots are supervised by the WMS. It ensures that the processes in the warehouse are integrated and therefore run smoothly and without undue disruption.
3. This topic, although promising and offering a lot of opportunities in warehouses, also has its drawbacks.
Attention should be paid to:
- the high cost of purchasing and implementing advanced warehouse robots. Not every company can therefore afford them.
- possible problems in the course of integration with the installed WMS.
- high demands on safety procedures. The introduction of robots must be preceded by the provision of an adequate degree of safety for workers to minimise the risk of accidents.
- the need for advanced maintenance and operation. The highly specialised knowledge needed to work with advanced warehouse robots is required.
- lack of flexibility in the execution of outsourced tasks. Robots are ideal for repetitive tasks, but assignments that require rapid, real-time decision-making can be a problem.
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